
Our core investments within the healthcare sector are organized in Holta Life Sciences AS. The company was established in 2014 as a fully owned subsidiary.

We believe the healthcare sector has very favourable long-term fundamentals. In our view, the pace of innovation and success rates in development are set to rise based on a better understanding of molecular- and human biology and improved research tools.

Cost pressures in the healthcare system will, however, increase accordingly and hence we seek to identify companies that are developing products with:

  • potential to address clear unmet medical needs
  • significant market opportunities
  • strong IP- or orphan drug protection
  • substantial health economic benefits

We invest in product companies at all stages of development. Our main focus areas are diagnostics, medical equipment and therapeutics.

Our current portfolio within this focus area contains the following companies:

Image of Gentian Diagnostics (7.7%)

Gentian Diagnostics (7.7%)

Gentian Diagnostics is a medical diagnostics company listed on Merkur Market, Oslo Stock Exchange. The company is headquartered in Moss, Norway, with a representative office in China and distribution subsidiaries in Sweden and USA.

Gentian’s ambition is to innovate diagnostic efficiency by designing, developing and marketing in vitro diagnostic tests. The goal is to offer efficient and accurate reagents within the areas of kidney disease, cardiac disease, inflammation and veterinary medicine. The NanosenseTM technology will enable users to move assays from low volume immunology platforms to fully automated, high throughput instruments with shorter turnaround times, better workflow and improved cost efficiency. Total revenue in 2020 was MNOK 79.

Image of US healthcare portfolio

US healthcare portfolio

We have a dedicated portfolio of listed US life sciences companies.

Portfolio companies